Friday, April 29, 2016


Syned was an ice-covered planet in the Syned system, in Grumani sector. During the Republic Dark Age, Syned was under the control of Sith Lord Chagras, but after his death, it fell into the hands of his daughter Arkadia Calimondra.


Located in a cluster of blue newborn stars, Syned was captured relatively recently, in astronomical terms, by its weak sun. Because of this, the planet's rotation period was extremely short. However, the heavy molten core of Syned counter-balanced the planet's fast rotation to produce a standard gravity environment. Syned was orbited by an adolescent star, therefore its surface was entirely covered in ice and snow. The planet had little oxygen in its atmosphere, making it necessary for members of most sentient species to don an environmental suit when outdoors. Physicists during the Republic Dark Age expected the planet to eventually tidally lock to its parent star, thawing the dayside. Its surface had a tortured appearance, with shattered ice sheets broken by ancient tectonic activity frozen into place.

Syned was home to at least two non-sentient species: giant ice lizards known as beralyxes and Synedian algae. The latter thrived in the seas beneath the ice sheets covering the planet's surface. Synedian algae were used as both a source of fuel and food, being extracted through thermal veins and then processed at algae processing plants. Without these algae processing plants, Syned would be unable to sustain any civilization. The planet's reclamation facilities were also used to extract underwater minerals at a rate of one miligram at a time.
The Dravian Starport was eventually built to serve as a waypoint between Syned and the desert world of Cotellier.


New Sith Wars

At some point between 1066 BBY and 1040 BBY, Syned was under the control of Sith Lord Chagras.
After Chagras' death in 1040 BBY, the world came into the possession of the Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra and served as the capital of her realm. In 1032 BBY, the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt and Rusher's Brigade mercenary leader Jarrow Rusher escaped from Syned, damaging much of the city of Calimondretta.

Galactic Civil War

Eventually, through the use of protective domes and underground cities, a small outpost was established on the planet. This outpost eventually became a successful transfer station due to its proximity to the Duros Space Run. However, its importance eventually led to the Empire establishing a presence on the world. During the Imperial Period, each city was governed by a councilor who were very loyal to the Imperial governor. The Empire maintained a fairly tight control of the planet and a noticeable military presence.

Elshandruu Pica

"Get us into the Quence Sector, Elshandruu Pica. I have friends there."
―Corran Horn, to Keevy Spart

Elshandruu Pica was a planet in the Elshandruu system of the Quence sector, in the Outer Rim.


The planet was known as a health resort. Within an asteroid belt used as a staging area for pirates, Elshandruu Pica had a red moon and two white moons in its orbit.
Its capital was Picavil. The city was the site of a conglomerate of bars, casinos, and restaurants owned and operated by Kina Margath. Picavil also had a spaceport.
When Serv-O-Droid, Inc. went bankrupt, it operated in name only through a remainder house on Elshandruu Pica.


During the Galactic Civil War, the planet was ruled by Imperial Moff Riit Jandi. At some point, Captain Sair Yonka and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Avarice went to Elshandruu Pica and fought the pirates in the neighboring asteroid belt. He later kept a suite in the 27th Hour Social Club and used it to secretly meet the Moff's wife, Aellyn.

Corellian commodities shipper Tev Driscull lost his ship, the Lantillian Short Hauler Nova Whisper, to the privateer Dharus while they were at Elshandruu Pica.

During the Bacta War, Rogue Squadron's members went to Elshandruu Pica in order to convince Sair Yonka to defect. He accepted and joined the New Republic to fight Ysanne Isard.


Andasala was a mining world, located on the Llanic Spice Run in the Andasala system near Svivren.


A haven for criminals and pirates, the world was settled as a mining colony for Gesenix Mining. Seeing a flood of settlers after word of its lush natural resource supply spread, many colonists came from nearby Svivren.

Andasala was a notable transshipment point in the spice trade.


Discovered after the Ruusan Reformation of the Galactic Republic, Andasala remained outside the Republic's borders throughout its history.

Avoiding the Clone Wars, Andasala attracted attention during the Galactic Civil War, as many Imperial battles were fought along the shipping lanes surrounding the world. It wasn't until the rise of crime lord Valis Lorn that the world began to nationalize, with the settlements further developing and cleaning up, as the seeder parts were cleared out and made relatively safe. With Lorn's cartel running the government, the small time criminals were driven offworld. The Devaronian Sires Vant ran a money-lending system on the planet. Establishing the Andasala Achievement News, the inhabitants of the world stayed on top of galactic events.


Drexel was the sole planet in the Drexel system. It was a water world, home to the sentient Sea-dragons.


Old Republic era

The Jedi Knights exiled the corrupt Governor Quarg to Drexel, along with his fellow Human pirates. There, the pirates and their descendants created a unique civilization, centered around a sailing ship that was a mobile city. Quarg was succeeded by his equally corrupt son, the younger Governor Quarg. Some of the inhabitants of the city-ship revolted against Quarg's tyranny. The rebels created a new civilization. They used technology to communicate with native Sea-dragons, with whom they formed a symbiotic lifestyle, and thus became known as Dragon Lords. The Sea-dragons willingly allowed the rebels to ride them and took the rebels to dwell in underwater caves. The Dragon Lords waged constant war on Quarg. The baby Sea-dragons infested the city-ship, acting as spies. The crew of the city-ship ignored the babies, thinking them mere lizards, not realizing they were young Sea-dragons.
Imperial era

Many years later, the Dragon Lords finally defeated Quarg's son with the help of Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, R2-D2, Chewbacca, and C-3PO, during the Battle of Drexel. Han Solo defeated the pirate Crimson Jack in orbit over Drexel.

Friday, April 15, 2016


·  People who live in glass houses shouldn't have sex.
·  It takes 42 muscles to frown, but only 14 to raise your middle finger.
·  I dream of a world where chickens can freely cross the road without having their motives questioned.
·  Even duct tape can't fix stupid. But it can muffle the sound.
·  Who the fuck had been cutting everybody's grass during the zombie apocalypse!?
·  When I say, "It's a long story", it really means I just don't want to tell you.
·  Don't try to explain yourself to stupid people. You're not the Jackass Whisperer.
·  Next time you fart, turn to the nearest person and say, "Did you hear that asshole talking shit behind my back?"
·  Beware of the dog. The cat us pretty shady as fuck also.
·  Paranormal Activity 4. Because people are stupid enough to pay to watch the same movie a fourth time.
·  The rising new trend is "Anal Bleaching". Usually, I oppose such activities, but I think some assholes need to lighten up
·  My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything that I was supposed to do.
·  Yes, I walked away mid-conversation. You were boring me to death and my survival instincts kicked in.
·  Chuck Norris doesn't flush the toilet. He scares the shit out of it.
·  I love booze, booze loves me, Holy shit I have to pee, So drunk falling on the floor, alcoholic dinosaur
·  How much better would life be if a liar's pants actually caught on fire?
·  While running today, I thought I heard someone clapping. It turns out, it was just my butt cheeks cheering me on.
·  It is my life goal to open a milkshake shop and name it "The Yard".
·  I don't fart...I whisper in my pants. Sometimes, it's a SCREAM!
·  I did a push-up today. Well, I fell down, but I had to use my arms to get back up...close enough.
·  Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were going to do anyway.
·  I pretend to like people everyday. It's called being an adult. That's why we're allowed to buy alcohol.
·  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and from time to time it may be necessary to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.
·  I know what women want. They want you to drag them to the bedroom, throw them on the bed and do dirty......dishes while they nap.
·  Sometimes, I have to tell myself. "It's just not worth the jail time."
·  It's been scientifically proven that too many birthdays can kill you...
·  In alcohol's defense, we've all done some pretty stupid shit while sober, too.
·  We will be FRIENDS until we are old and senile...then we will be NEW FRIENDS.
·  I don't have Attention Deficit Disorder, I have "This Isn't Interesting Enough to Pay Attention" disorder.
·  4 out of 5 dentists agree that lying through your teeth does not count as flossing.
·  #ThatAwkwardMoment when you think you do a silent fart and it comes out like a machine gun.
·  I got 99 problems. You're 98 of them.
·  I love everybody. Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid, and others I love to punch in the face.
·  Exercise? I thought you said, "Extra Fries".
·  If you don't have anything nice to say, say it sarcastically.
·  Washington DC is the real life version of Planet Spaceball
·  Nothing cures insomnia like the realization it is time to get up.
·  Kids have so much energy because they siphon it out if their parents like midget gasoline thieves.
·  I hate when people ask what I'm doing tomorrow... I don't even know what I'm doing now!
·  I'm taking a sick day because I'm sick of people.
·  Pack your bags! We're going on a guilt trip!
·  It's a beautiful day. I think I'll skip my meds and stir things up a bit.
·  Just got a Cheerio stuck between my toes whilst walking through the kitchen. Clearly, my dog isn't doing his part of the chores around here.
·  I'm so old I remember when a hashtag was called a pound sign. And we played tic-tac-toe on that shit.
·  Don't you wish people could be like money, so you could hold them up to the sun and see which ones are fake and who are real.
· Save energy by turning off lights. You wouldn't like if someone turned you on and left.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Many European countries and cultures have stories of werewolves, including Albania (oik) , France (loup-garou), Greece (lycanthropos), Spain, Mexico (hombre lobo), Bulgaria (valkolak), Turkey (kurtadam), Czech Republic/Slovakia (vlkodlak), Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia (vukodlak / вукодлак), Russia (vourdalak , оборотень), Ukraine (vovkulak(a), vurdalak(a), vovkun, перевертень), Croatia (vukodlak), Poland (wilkołak), Romania (vârcolac, priculici), Macedonia (vrkolak), Scotland (werewolf, wulver), England (werewolf), Ireland (faoladh or conriocht), Germany (Werwolf), the Netherlands (weerwolf), Denmark/Sweden/Norway (Varulv), Norway/Iceland (kveld-ulf,varúlfur), Galicia(lobisón), Portugal/Brazil (lobisomem), Lithuania (vilkolakis and vilkatlakis), Latvia (vilkatis and vilkacis), Andorra (home llop), Hungary (Vérfarkas and Farkasember), Estonia (libahunt), Finland (ihmissusi and vironsusi), and Italy (lupo mannaro). In northern Europe, there are also tales about people changing into animals including bears, and wolves.

The legends of ulfhednar mentioned in Vatnsdœla saga, Haraldskvæði and the Völsunga saga may be a source of the werewolf legends. The ulfhednar were vicious fighters similar to the better known berserkers, who were dressed in bear hides and reputed to channel the spirits of these animals to enhance effectiveness in battle; these warriors were resistant to pain and killed viciously in battle, much like wild animals. Ulfhednar and berserkers are closely associated with the Norse god Odin.

In Latvian folklore, the vilkacis referred to someone transformed into a wolflike monster which could be benevolent at times.[citation needed] A closely related collection of stories concern the skin-walkers. The vilkacis and skin-walkers probably have a common origin in Proto-Indo-European society, where a class of young unwed warriors were apparently associated with wolves.

Shape-shifters similar to werewolves are common in tales from all over the world, though most of them involve animal forms other than wolves. See lycanthropy and therianthropy for more information.

In Greek mythology, the story of Lycaon provides one of the earliest examples of a werewolf legend. According to one version, Lycaon was transformed into a wolf as a result of eating human flesh; one of those who were present at periodical sacrifice on Mount Lycaon was said to suffer a similar fate. The Roman scholar, Pliny the Elder, quoting Euanthes,[5] says that a man of Anthius' family was selected by lot and brought to a lake in Arcadia, where he hung his clothing on an ash tree and swam across, resulting in his transformation into a wolf, a form in which he wandered for nine years. On the condition that he attacked no human being over the nine year period, he would be free to swim back across the lake to resume human form. The two stories are probably identical, though we hear nothing of participation in the Lycaean sacrifice by the descendant of Antaeus. Herodotus in his Histories[6] tells us that the Neuri, a tribe he places to the north-east of Scythia, were annually transformed for a few days, and Virgil is familiar with transformation of human beings into wolves.[7] In the novel Satyricon, written about year 60 by Gaius Petronius, one of the characters recites a story about a man who turns into a wolf during a full moon.

Common Turkic folklore holds a different, reverential light to the werewolf legends in that Turkic Central Asian shamans after performing long and arduous rites would voluntarily be able to transform into the humanoid "Kurtadam" (literally meaning Wolfmen). Since the wolf was the totemic ancestor animal of the Turkic peoples, they would be respectful of any shaman who was in such a form.

According to Armenian lore, there are women who in consequence of deadly sins, are condemned to spend seven years in wolfen form.[8] In a typical account, a condemned woman is visited by a wolfskin-toting spirit, who orders her to wear the skin, soon after which she acquires frightful cravings for human flesh. With her better nature overcome, the she-wolf devours each of her own children, then her relatives' children in order of relationship, and finally the children of strangers. She wanders only at night, with doors and locks springing open at her approach. When morning arrives, she reverts to human form and removes her wolfskin. The transformation is generally said to be involuntary, but there are alternate versions involving voluntary metamorphosis, where the women can transform at will.

France had a multitude of reports of werewolf attacks -- and consequent court trials -- during the sixteenth century. In some of the cases — e.g. those of the Gandillon family in the Jura, the tailor of Chalons and Roulet in Angers, all occurring in the year 1598 — there was clear evidence against the accused of murder and cannibalism, but none of association with wolves; in other cases, as that of Gilles Garnier in Dole in 1573, there was clear evidence against some wolf, but none against the accused. Yet while belief in lycanthropy reached a peak in popularity, it was decided in the case of Jean Grenier at Bordeaux in 1603 that lycanthropy was nothing more than a delusion. The loup-garou eventually ceased to be regarded as a dangerous heretic, and reverted to the pre-Christian notion of a "man-wolf-fiend".

Some werewolf lore in France is based on documented events. The Beast of Gévaudan terrorized the general area of the former province of Gévaudan in south-central France (it is now called Lozère). From the years 1764 to 1767, an unknown entity killed upwards of 80 men, women and children[citation needed]. The creature was described as a giant wolf by the sole survivor of the attacks, which ceased after several wolves were killed in the area.

The lubins or lupins of France were usually female and shy in contrast to the aggressive loup-garous.[citation needed]

In sixteenth century Prussia, Livonia and Lithuania, according to bishops Olaus Magnus and Majolus, the werewolves were far more destructive than "true and natural wolves", and their heterodoxy appears from the Catholic bishops' assertion that they formed "an accursed college" of those "desirous of innovations contrary to the divine law."

Wolves were still found in England as of 1600, but became extinct by 1680. At the beginning of the seventeenth century the punishment of witchcraft was still zealously prosecuted by James I of England, who piously[9] regarded "warwoolfes" as victims of delusion induced by "a natural superabundance of melancholic".

Werewolves in European tradition were often innocent and God-fearing folk suffering from the witchcraft of others, or simply from an unhappy fate, and who as wolves behaved in a truly touching fashion, adoring and protecting their human benefactors. In Marie de France's poem Bisclaveret (c. 1200), the nobleman Bisclavret, for reasons not described in the lai, had to transform into a wolf every week. When his treacherous wife stole his clothing needed to restore his human form, he escaped the king's wolf hunt by imploring the king for mercy, and accompanied the king thereafter. His behaviour at court was so much gentler than when his wife and her new husband appeared at court, that his hateful attack on the couple was deemed justly motivated, and the truth was revealed. Other tales of this sort include William and the Werewolf (translated from French into English ca.1350), and the German fairy tales Märchen, in which several aristocrats temporarily transform into beasts. See Snow White and Rose Red, where the tame bear is really a bewitched prince, and The Golden Bird where the talking fox is also a man.

The power of transforming others into wild beasts was attributed not only to malignant sorcerers, but to Christian saints as well. Omnes angeli, boni et mali, ex virtute naturali habent potestatem transmutandi corpora nostra ("All angels, good and bad have the power of transmutating our bodies") was the dictum of St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Patrick was said to have transformed the Welsh king Vereticus into a wolf; St. Natalis supposedly cursed an illustrious Irish family whose members were each doomed to be a wolf for seven years. In other tales the divine agency is even more direct, while in Russia, again, men are supposedly become werewolves when incurring the wrath of the Devil.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Here's just a few of Palpatine's Force feats.

*Force Storms

* Force-based subjugation of ~20 billion sentients and the simultaneous leeching of their life energy

* Corrupting an entire planet, transforming it from a neutral territory to "one of the most powerful dark side sites in the galaxy"

* Blunting the Force sensitivity of ~10,000 collective Jedi for over a decade
* Slaughtering trained Force Jedi with a single bursts of Force energy on one's death bed.

* Disintegrating highly trained Sith acolytes with a single gout of Sith lightning.
* Destroying ~50 armored stormtroopers with a single gout of Sith lightning
* Shrugging off a Force-enhanced explosion from the energy of a Force-user powerful enough to manipulate a Star Destroyer.

* Manipulating the minds of seasoned thousands (perhaps millions) of fleet officers and members.

* Mindwipe the people of Coruscant to make them forget the burial of a star destroyer.